Cemetery of Roman period and water-supply pipe, Municipality of Agioi Anargyroi -Kamatero
During the works for the construction of a playground in the plot owned by the Municipality of Kamatero a Roman cemetery, consisting of three graves and an ossuary, as well as a clay water-supply pipe, were excavated.
Tomb 1 was placed in the middle of the plot. It is a cist grave, built of clay tiles and lime mortar. It was covered with two limestone plaques and a marble funerary stele in secondary use. The stele dates from the beginning of the 1st century AD and depicts a woman in a long garment, along with a mirror and a basket. On the cornice is inscribed: “Συνφέρουσα Καλλιστράτου Μιλησία” (Sinpherusa, daughter of Kallistratos, from Miletos) (fig. 2). Inside the grave, the skeleton was found in a supine position, along with four glass vessels and a bronze coin of the 4th century A.D (fig. 3).
North (NE) of tomb 1 two graves and a clay ossuary of the Roman era were located. Tomb 2 contained the skeleton in a supine position and a small glass perfume bottle as an offering. The tiles that covered tomb 2 came from the nearby clay water-supply pipe (fig. 4). Tomb 3 was not preserved very well and contained only skeletal remains, whereas the clay ossuary contained a small number of bones, a glass perfume bottle, fragments of glass vessels, and iron pieces.
At the east side of the plot, a terracotta water-supply pipe was excavated, following an E-W course. It was constructed of two U-shaped tiles placed one on top of the other, thus having an elliptical cross-section, and was covered with small rough stones (fig. 5). The edges of the tiles bore an incised letter N, which probably played a role in the assemblage process. The pipe probably dates from the 4th century BC.
Works for the enhancement of the site were conducted by the Ministry of Culture in collaboration with the Municipality of Agioi Anargyroi -Kamatero.
The area of the modern municipality of Kamatero has not yet been identified with certainty with any of the ancient demes of Attica. It is tentatively identified with the ancient deme of Cholargos, which is placed in the area according to literary sources. Recently, many archaeological finds have been unearthed in the area of Kamatero.