21Sep2023 «Πάμε μια βόλτα στο Φεγγάρι» - Παρατήρηση της σελήνης με τηλεσκόπια στον αρχαιολογικό χώρο της Οινόης Απολογισμός της δράσης που διοργανώθηκε για τον εορτασμό της πανσελήνου στις 31 Αυγούστου 2023 από την ΕΔΑΦΑ σε συνεργασία με την ερασιτεχνική ομάδα αστροπαρατήρησης «Έν Άστροις».
26Aug2023 Archaeological Site of the Ancient Fort of Oinois, "Two moons in August" (observation of the moon with telescopes), August 31, 2023 In the context of the events of the Ministry of Culture in its archaeological sites of Greece during the night of the second full moon of August this year, the Ephorate of Antiquities of West Attica in collaboration with the Astroobservation Team "En Astrois", invites the public to the archaeological site of the Ancient Fortress of Oinoi, at Lefkas location, to observe the surface of the Moon with telescopes.Archaeological Site of the Ancient Fort of Oinois, "Two moons in August" (observation of the moon with telescopes), August 31, 2023
26Jul2023 August 2023 Full Moon Celebration The Ephorate of Antiquities of Western Attica will celebrate the Full Moon of August 1st this year with the musical event: "A walk on the moon", which will take place in the courtyard of the Archaeological Museum of Megara, in co-organization with the Region of Attica and the Municipality of Megara. The event will run from 21:00 to approximately 23:00. Free entry for the public.
27Jul2018 Full moon in the Fountain of Theagenes with Stefanos Korkolis Concert with Stefanos Korkolis and Sofia Manousaki at the Fountain of Theagenes